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tv   FOX Report  FOX News  January 9, 2010 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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♪ >> julie: the top democrat in the senate calling to apologize to president obama. plus, new details on several plots against the united states. and an inside look at the battle to root out terrorists in yemen. i'm julie banderas, we're live as "fox reports" tonight. he's the double agent who killed seven central intelligence agency operatives in a suicide attack on the u.s. coast, being recruited to spy on al-qaeda. >> gregg: tonight, brand new video released to be a warning from the bomber in his own words. ♪ ♪ >> julie: in the hills of
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yemen, new front in fight against terror in wake of concerns over a growing threat in the region. the security forces there are gearing up to flush extremists out. also tonight, a chilling new 911 call released in a horrific gun battle involving police and man with a history of domestic violence. plus, the deep freeze intensifies. frigid temperatures gripping much of the country. some parts seeing the mercury fall below zero. how cold will it get? we begin with fox urgent new details on motivation of double agent who launched one of the worst attacks against the c.i.a. in the agency's history. the homicide bombing coming against agents in afghanistan. working to penetrate the inner ranks of al-qaeda. the new video believe to show the bomber head of his
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murderous mission with a man identified as the new leader of the pakistani talib taliban. their joint appearance a signal of how important the surprise attack ranked in the upper echelon of the terror network. in the video, the bomber saying his attack is meant to avenge the death of former pakistani leader killed by c.i.a. missile strike. he says he hopes his action inspires other jihadists to attack u.s. targets. the homicide bomber a doctor who also worked in a refugee camp in gordon. the c.i.a. agent thought he came to camp chapman in eastern afghanistan on december 30 as an ally. instead, he came to kill them. c.i.a. director leon panetta saying the bomber was about to be searched when he blew himself up. that explosion sending threads of metal in every direction. when the smoke cleared, he and seven members of the c.i.a. were dead. devastating blow to top intelligence unit with one of
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the most important missions for u.s. national security. the video said he had long held but disguised vision to kill americans. caroline shively has more. >> a jordanian doctor says revenge is why he killed the c.i.a. operatives in afghanistan, because the c.i.a. killed pakistani leader with a missile strike in august. he also says he turned down millions of dollars from the u.s. and jordan who wanted him to spy on militants. the father of balawi says it is his son. he taped the video shortly before going on a u.s. base and blew up seven employees and himself. he says on the tape "we will never forget the blood of our emir," referring to the dead taliban leader and he says it's their duty to go after other american targets. >> this attack will be the
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first of the operation against the pakistani border. >> the "washington post" reports before the blast, his vehicle spread through check points on base and when he stepped up to be check by a security guard he detonated the bomb, sending steel pellets ripping through him and a dozen people near him. the paper quotes anonymous former official calling that bad trade craft. in op-ed for sunday's post, c.i.a. director leon panetta lashed out at critics who say those who gave their lives somehow brought it upon themselves. panetta says the bomber was about to be searched when he detonated the explosive, unlike earlier report. balawi's father says he blames america for turni ining the bomber's wife into a widow and his son into orphans. >> julie: thank you. they are keeping a close eye on what led to the attack in afghanistan. the intelligence community stepping up after the wake of the attempted christmas day bombing and the recent
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shooting spree at fort hood which left 134 peo13 people dea. director of national intelligence announcing a new commission to look in recent intelligence failures but some republicans are saying the u.s. needs to start sending a different message in the war on terror. malini wilkes live in washington with the news tonight. hi, malini. >> hi, julie. another counterterrorism review is getting underway in washington. the national intelligence director wants an independent assessment of the recent challenges facing the intelligence community. he has appointed former c.i.a. director john mclaughlin to lead a team examining both the attempted bombing on the detroit airliner and the fort hood shootings. this week, the white house released its preliminary review of the detroit attack. several congressional hearings are also planned this month. some analysts say those review and report can make a difference. >> it's a fact of life we have a large and disrate
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intelligence community and it will take years even with a director of national intelligence to bring it together. >> a key republican is logging his criticism of the investigation. peter king said, "we are a nation at war and we need to signal it clearly." he is pushing for bill to prevent terror suspects at gitmo from being transferred to u.s. soil. >> keep terrorist out of america act will help to ensure we're treating terrorism as what it is. a war crime. not a law enforcement issue. we can't gather the intelligence we need if we are blinding granting terrorist the right to remain silent. >> he's criticize the white house decision to try the underwear bomber in federal court. he's one of many republican lawmakers preferring a military commissioner. julie? >> julie: malini wilkes in washington, thank you very much. friends say he's a romantic
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who apparently just wanted to kiss his girlfriend goodbye at the airport. what is wrong with that? here is the problem. he slipped past security at newark liberty airport in new jersey for that smooch. it sparked a massive evaluation if you remember and major airline delays. we first broke the news on last weekend's fox report. and now police arrested 28-year-old jung. he is the man responsible for the shut down that stranded passengers at the end of the holiday weekend. it took days of detectives to tram him track him down. he's in the white coat. laura ingle has more. what happens next? >> he has been summoned to make an appearance at the newark municipal court and expected to be charged with defiant trespass. not a federal charge but could bring him up to 30 days in jail and $500 fine. he's seen jumping underneath
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the rope when tsa worker walked away and then walked arm in arm with the secure area with his girlfriend. this shows how vulnerable the system is according to state lawmakers who say they want serious changes made to avoid the sort of thing from ever happening again. a doctoral student at rutgers university was seeing off his girlfriend who lives in l.a. he's taken into custody and then released last night after being questioned by port authority police. his friends and roommates say he didn't believe what he was doing was that serious. >> she's a very nice girl. i don't know what he was thinking of. maybe it's true love, his girlfriend. >> the security breach led to havoc when someone told the tsa agent what he had seen. the passengers had to be rescreened and thousands of travelers as you mentioned were displace and hundreds of
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them missing the flights. his friends say it boils down to their romantic friend getting carried away but the lawmakers say the action were terrible injustice for the travelers and want changes made before it can happen again. needless to say, the state lawmaker is n -- [ inaudible ] >> julie: and suspended air travel for a while. thank you. ongoing probe in what the government says was a planned attack on new york city. today, janin pleading not guilty to terrorism charges in federal courtroom, one of two men arrested yesterday for his links to zazi, as the alleged mastermind of a plot to set off homemade bombs in the new york city subway system. zazi pleaded not guilty to supporting terrorism and has been under arrest since
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december. and yesterday, the other suspect pleading not guilty to charges he lied to the fbi in its probe of the alleged plot, saying that both men traveled with zazi to pakistan to get explosive training from al-qaeda. three british men in custody following a scare at heathrow airport. cops arrested them on suspicion of making a bomb threat on airplane preparing to take off for the united arab emirates. search of the plane found nothing suspicious but 300 passengers were put up in a hotel overnight and the flight resumes this afternoon. meantime, the u.s. military jets scrambling to intercept a flight bound for san francisco yesterday after reports of an unruly passenger. the plane stopped in colorado springs where police arrested a man wearing no shirt or shoes. i might add who then locked himself in one of the bathrooms creating suspicious for good reason. an apology today from the top senate democrat over newly revealed comments he made in
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2008 about then candidate barack obama. according to upcoming book, senate ma jurorry leader harry reid said he believed the country was ready to embrace barack obama as the first black presidential candidate because he was, "light skinnskinned" and with " negro dialect." in a. stay today, reid apologized and said this -- "i deeply regret using a poor choice of words. i sincerely apologize for offending any and all americans, pep african-americans for my improper comments. i was a proud and enthusiastic supporter of barack obama during the came pain and has worked as hard as i can to advance president obama's legislative agenda. moreover throughout my career from efforts to integrate the las vegas strip and gaming industry to opposing radical judges and promoting diversity in the senate, i worked hard to advance issues important to the african-american community." well, president obama says he accepts the apology without question, calling reid a
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passenger leader on issues of social justice. we have much, much more on this as it unfolds, including reaction from rnc chairman michael steele tonight on "geraldo at large." that's 10:00 p.m. eastern on fox news channel. breaking news now. here on the "fox report," three people are dead after their snowmobile apparently fell through the ice. among the victims, a 3-year-old girl. the accident coming on lake dunmore, in vermont. police s saying the were carrying two people each. we understand the driver of the third able to push 4-year-old child to safety before their snowmobile went in the water. we're told the vermont state police requested the local snowmobile club post warnings on the trails near that lake. we will bring you more on the developing story as the details continue to come in our newsroom. well, a bomb blast rock tos a popular tourist destination overseas. up next, details on an
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explosion outside parliament building in athens and how the police were tipped off to the impending blast. hi hunting for al-qaeda in the hills of yemen. we take you inside the drills happening now and what the country is doing to rid the country of violent extremists that could pose a threat to our country next. for strong bones, i take calcium. but my doctor told me that most calcium supplements...
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aren't absorbed properly unless taken with food. he recommended citracal. it's different -- it's calcium citrate, so it can be absorbed with or without food. citracal. wellbeing. we're all striving for it. purina cat chow helps you nuture it in your cat... with a full family of excellent nutrition... and helpful resources. ♪ purina cat chow. share a better life. from geico to allstate saved $373. ( scoffs ) false! it is false. they actually saved more. an average of $473 a year. now that's the right answer. ♪
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>> julie: developing now, a small bomb explodes near the greek parliament in athens after some one phones in a threat to a local newspaper, sparking panic the city. luckily, no one was hurt. the blast going off, though, near the tomb of the unknown soldier, a popular tourist attraction in central athens. we're told the bomb was placed next to a trash can and the blast may have damaged some of the windows of the parliament building. the entire incident unfolding in a busy area near government offices, hotels and businesses. several members of parliament were inside at the time. again, no one was injured.
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that is the good news. we're told an hour later, nearby hotel also received a threat. but we were able to confirm no bomb was found there. to yemen now, a country that is fast to become one of the obama administration top priority in protecting u.s. security. disaster already striking american interest there with deadly consequences. you may remember they attacked the uss cole in 2000 killing 17 sailors and wounding dozens more. yemen is a hotbed of extremists, including al-qaeda. the presence prompting a series of anti-terror drills by the yemeni combat forces. today, they conducted exercises in the hills. yemen on a heightened state of alert as the military hunts the leader of a cell believed to have plotted attack on u.s. and other western embassies in the country. as you probably know, the so-called underwear bomber
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umar farouk abdulmutallab was trained in yemen. the failed christmas day bombing on american jetliner suggesting al-qaeda in the arabian peninsula is more sophisticated than originally suspected. tim marshal of sky news has the story. >> reporter: al-qaeda in yemen hides in the mountains. and finds space to train in the desert. its ideas are spreading through the towns. the government has launched a counteroffensive. it wants to win the battle of ideas, raise living standards in this poorest arab country, and kill the al-qaeda fighters. foreign journalists can't leave the capital without a permit, but this is something the government wanted us to see. in a training exercise, a woman has been taken hostage. there are threats to kill her. special forces go in. with the cameras present, things go smoothly. but they know it's not so easy in real life.
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this is for the benefit of international media. the spotlight has been on yemen for a couple of weeks now. but they do this for real and they know there is a lot more for real to come. analysts believe they need all the help they can get. back at the training ground, the special forces launch an assault on fix eed positions. they're trained and equipped by the u.s. in recent months they hit al-qaeda hard. but even with outside help, if the government doesn't win the war of ideas and raise living standards, it will find itself in retreat on this front of what remains the long war. >> julie: two police officers ambushed responding to a domestic disturbance call and now we're hearing the calls
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leading up to and following the encounter last month that left one of them dead. the first communication showing the officers did not know the extent of the danger they faced. listen. >> julie: but the situation was far from secure. david craibill was staying at his brother's home. argument escalating as they both drank. that's when jason craibill called police to remove his sibling. now we understand when responding officers offered a ride to david craibill, he pulled a handgun and opened fire. >> i've been shot. >> which unit? two-three or 65? >> officer down! >> julie: the daughter taking the weapon away from her father even as he was dying from the wounds after returning fire. the officer who made the call was shot in the neck but did
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survive. kent mundell from his wounds after being taken off life support a week after the shooting. well, it's one of the most controversial elements of healthcare reform. now, new word house democrats losing hope the public option, which is the government-run plan will be included the final healthcare bill. we're going have that story coming up. also, a big fight involving marvel comics but not between the superheroes. the company suing over characters like the amazing spiderman. and x-men. and the surprise lies in who the lawsuit targets next. [ male announcer ] let's talk about putting our best square foot forward. then let's do more than talk about it. let's turn picturing it into planning it, thinking it over into making it happen. let's say out with the old and in with the new. let's create some wall-to-wall "wow." [ man ] ♪ oh! [ male announcer ] more saving. more doing.
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that's the power of the home depot. right now, get any carpet installed for just 97 bucks -- any brand, any style, any number of rooms.
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>> julie: fox news is counting down healthcare and word of a new development in the debate. the "associated press" reporting that senior house democrats mostly given up hope of including the public option in the final bill. that is the government run plan but they are pushing to keep private insurers in check. report saying it includes the legislation stripping the insurance industry of a long standing exemption from federal anti-trust laws. as you probably know, democratic leaders in the house and senate are working to merge the two healthcare
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bills together. in his weekly address today, president obama highlighting some of the benefit of the reform he anticipates soon signing into law. >> after a long and thorough debate, we are on the verge of passing health insurance reform that will finally offer americans the security of knowing they'll have quality affordable healthcare whether they lose their job, change their job, move or get sick. the worst practice of the insurance industry will be forever banned and costs will finally come down for families, businesses and our government. >> julie: but republican lawmakers disagree with those. stays. they are nearly unanimous in their opposition to the democrats' healthcare plan. they say it costs too much and brings too much government control. in california, the governor arnold schwarzenegger calling a fiscal state of emergency, trying to rescue the state from a staggering $20 billion dollar deficit. he's unveiling a new budget and it includes even more drastic cuts.
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the ongoing recession has hit california hard. the state's unemployment climbing to more than 12%. the nation's unemployment rate is 10.5, by the way. that is the third highest in the nation in california. now the government is looking for federal help. anita vogel has the latest. >> reporter: looking down the barrel of $20 billion government, arnold schwarzenegger says he needs $6.9 billion federal dollars to keep the state afloat. >> gregg: we seek more flexibility to prioritize our own resources and manage our own budget. right now, the federal government is forcing us to spend money we do not have. >> reporter: the governor says it's no bail-out, but money the state is owed for the medicare, border protection, prisons and other federal programs. california taxpayers send more money to the federal government than any other state. and get back just 78 cents on the dollar. 20% less than it got back on
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the clinton administration. >> we're giving to washington and they're sending out to other states. >> reporter: 42 states project a deficit in the coming fiscal year. like california, new york, new jersey, florida, and illinois all expect to be billions in the red, making congress wary of setting a precedent. but economists say letting california drown in red ink could hit the national economy hard, because the golden state is home to 12% of the u.s. population. and produces 13% of the nation gross domestic product. >> it's probably an analogy one can make we are too big to fail. it doesn't mean we have difficulties that we need to address ourself but failure for california would be a failure for the country. >> reporter: the budget that governor schwarzenegger unveiled friday slashed programs across the board and raised unused state fund for half a billion dollars to give tax credit to industry
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to create new jobs. in the end, he needs legislators in washington and sacramento to go along with with his plan. or the state could face even more extraordinary cuts or crippling debt. in los angeles, anita vogel, fox news. >> julie: comic maker marvel suing the estate of one of the former artists apparently over the copyright of some of the company most popular and lucrative comic book characters. jack kirby died in 1994 and now his family is trying to keep the rights to his popular work, including the amazing spiderman, x-men, the fantastic four, and the incredible hulk. marvel claims they own the work because the characters were created while kirby was an employee. but the family says the new copyright law allows them to reclaim the copyrights. adding he was never properly compensated for his work. another attack against a church in malaysia, the fourth in two days. why a dispute over how to translate the word, "god" may
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be at the center of it. plus, freezing cold temperatures all around the country. even in the deep south. we're going to tell you when it's going to let up next. ú?ú?úy
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we will start to see a little warm-up, so good news as we head to the middle part of the week. we don't have to worry about snow or the below normal temperatures in places like orlando, down to miami. we have rain around the area now, and we had snow flurries earlier today. that's all gone now and the rain will be winding down as well. quiet across the country in terms of the precip, but the cold air is sticking arouaround. warmer air will move in tomorrow and warm up from the west to the east. today was in the single digits in minneapolis. tomorrow they will make it to 20 degrees. 29 in kansas, and that will be ten degrees warmer than today. that's the latest from the fox weather center, i'm meteorologist domenica davis. >> julie: developing on the "fox report," senator majority leader heir lead e le apologizing about the comments he made in 2008 about the then candidate
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obama. he says he believed the country was ready to embrace barack obama as the first black presidential candidate, because he was, "light skinned" and "with no negro dialect." in a. stay today, reid apologized for using such a poor choice of words. president obama says he accepts the apology without question. tonight on "geraldo at large," reaction from rnc chairman michael steele. you got to tune in to see the interview tonight 10:00 p.m. eastern right here on fox news channel. police tightening churches in malaiysi malaysia. no one was hurt but it was the fourth attack since yesterday. following a controversial decision allowing non-muslims to use the word "allah" describing the christian god, putting "allah" in place of the word, "god" is not uncommon in arab-speaking country but critics say it may confuse people and could be used to convert muslims.
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david piper reports from bangkok. >> hi, julie. what started the attack was a rule by a court in malaysia that said christians could refer to god as "allah" in the publication and it follows a decision by the roman catholic church whose main publication "the herald" uses "allah" in the edition. it also applies to the malayise bible. more than 10,000 copies were obtained because they translated god as "all"allah." it's mostly in the tribes that speak a variety of languages but play in malai. malaysia is muslim and malai mostly but there are chinese and indian minorities who practice christianity, buddhism and hinduism. it angers many muslims who see it as a threat to their religion. >> allah is meant for the
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musl muslim. we live in this multi-racial country with all harmony. everybody has been so good to each other. why there are some people trying to break all this? i feel they are foolish. >> reporter: it's split the community in malaysia with some saying christians should be able to use the word "allah." back to you. >> julie: thank you. there is report of an air strike in pakistan that wounded two and killed three others. two missiles believed to be from an unmanned drone, reportedly blowing up a house. the sixth attack in a week. it's used to bomb the c.i.a. base in afghanistan. to the middle east now and threat of a bold option, the u.s. could use to push for
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peace in a region, coming from the obama administration special envoy to middle each george mitchell. as he returned to israel to bolster negotiations. our reena ninan has the story from jerusalem. >> reporter: hi, julie. a major bombshell coming from a u.s. official regarding middle east peace. u.s. middle east envoy george mitchell said among the legal option u.s. has in pushing israel to renew the peace talk is w withholding aid and freezing loan guarantees. the comments were made in an interview with charlie rose this week. while mitchell did not say the u.s. is threatening to use that court, he did say it was an option. rare that u.s. official would speak publicly about withholding aid. the last time the u.s. threatened to freeze the loan guarantees was in president bush senior administration. they did believe progress was being made but on the palestinian side, the officials say they reject the u.s. call for the new mideast peace talks until there is a
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complete freeze on the settlement construction, includes jerusalem. t the group says israel wants another war and they're prepared to face any attack. it comes as a qassam rocket was filed and then they responded firing multiple air strikes in the gaza strip. >> julie: thank you. across europe, travel nightmares and freezing temperatures, snow, wind, ice, causing all kind of headaches there. heavy snow in fact canceling hundreds of flight in france, germany, britain and ireland. you have people stuck, sleeping at airports and it's not much easier on the roads. especially in poland where it's one wreck after another. the weather is shutting down some of poland city buses and trains. one european country is taking all the snow in stride. switzerland. the airport in geneva open
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despite the snow fall. a fishing boat runs in trouble in california and arizona driver that should be inducted in the dumb hall of fame. two stops as we go across america. wisconsin, a corn processing plant goes up in flames sending huge clouds of smoke billowing up into the air. the fire happening in cambria 40 miles north of madison. fire crews rush to the scene. people at a nearby basketball game are evacuated. no one is hurt. investigators now looking in possible causes for the fire, including arson. some residents who live nearby were reportedly upset when the plant originally opened. california, fishing boat runs aground off the coast and the coast guard rush in to help. four people are rescued and investigators trying to figure out what happened. 40-foot fishing boat came from long beach and headed to
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ventura harbor to get a cargo of shrimp. arizona, the speed racer and then there is this guy. check out the picture. you look closely and see the driver of the car standing up. his head sticking out of the sunroof. while racing down the road in mesa. that's right, he's standing and driving. and patrol officers aren't too happy about it. they arrested the guy saying a traffic camera caught him doing this stunt twice. he was clocked going 78 miles per hour during rush hour. he's now facing several charges, including reckless driving. maine, the oldest and largest elm tree in all of new england is coming down. it's in yarmouth and the tree has a name. herby. this is a sad moment for the town tree warden frank knight. frank's 100 years young and for decades he's taken care of the 240-year-old tree. keeping herbie alive and well. but now the tree has a deadly case of dutch elm disease,
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and even frank can't save it. >> it's, it's just a beautiful tree. >> julie: as a memorial, the town plans to plant other elms around herbie and will sell pieces of herbie to pay for the project. that's fox watch across america. a way for priests to save and raise money. but is it ethical? we're going to tell you what one religious leader is se selling to parishioners raising questions. plus, a record leap off the tallest building in the world. skydivers set a new high. details ahead. ho on nce ias.
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ayets ryor. itldst m nner lyeron m s raleso hiowti llmemaur thy ets ro ig ass. (anc thntme she is the greatest thing ever. one little smile, one little laugh. honey bunny. [ babbles ] [ laughs ] we would do anything for her. my name is kim bryant and my husband and i made a will on legalzoom.
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>> julie: breaking news on the "fox report." major earthquake to tell you about in california. a strong 6.5 magnitude earthquake hit northern
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california according to the u.s. geological survey. the quake's epicenter was 22 miles west/northwest of ferndale, california, depth of 10.2 miles. ferndale is 265 miles north of san francisco. breaking news, we have word of earthquake that occur canned 265 miles north of san francisco in ferndale, california. 6.5 magnitude earthquake. a strong earthquake, in fact. we'll bring you more details as soon as they come in to the newsroom. selling the sacrament. illegal? no. unethical? well, that's the question here. it looks like a mexican priest, this man seen here, is trying to be a modern-day robin hood. he's accused of charging immigrant familiar his here in the u.s. almost $200 to get fast-track confirmation. some people aren't happy about it. now the vatican is taking
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notice. casey stegall is live with the latest from los angeles. hi, casey. >> reporter: hi, julie. when it comes to sacraments in the roman catholic church, the rules a s ars are strict any clear. they have to be done inside a parish usually done by a priest, but most importantly done for free. selling sacrament is one of the oldest transgression of the church but we hear reports it's happening more and more in america. according to clergy, especially in southern california. the underground communions are happening in parks, banquet halls and backyard garages. the priests are coming in from mexico trying to raise money for their own parishes. >> sasacraments are not to be sold. they're not to be bought. they're gifts of god. clergy who charge people from these things distort the meaning for what it is for god to be a gift-giving
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freeture. >> now, father figueroa of the tijuana diocese is one of the accused. some clergy in los angeles sending out memos to the own parishioners warning what he may be up to and trying to do at home. he is wildly popular in mexico with with his own parish ro rol roll around 8,000. he doesn't believe he's doing anything wrong but there is no word whether he will face a sanction from his own bishop or officials in rome. julie? >> julie: casey stegall, thank you very much. the husband of a missing utah woman moving his family out of state. today, friends and family are helping josh powell pack a rental truck. powell taking the couple's two children to washington state where he and his wife have family. susan powell has been missing since early december. she was last seen by her husband, who says he left on a winter camping trip with the children before she
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disappeared. police say josh powell is the only person of interest in this case. though he has not been named a suspect. and to florida now, where another day of frigid weather is threatening to damagep crops down south. look at the icy orange trees. the sunshine state produces three-quarter of the nation orange and 40% of the world's orange juice. florida farmers are having a headache. working to salvage millions of dollars of citrus fruit and produce and the freeze. the record frees has temperatures in the teens in some part of the state. the experts say it could be weeks before the extent of damage is known. hard line leader issuing his latest challenge to the west. the top story as we go around the world in 80 seconds. iran, president mahmoud ahmadinejad saying the country deserves compensationer for allied invasion in world war ii. he's reportedly ordered an investigation into damages he
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claims britain and the soviet union inflict inflicted when t armies marched in neutral iran in 1941. hong kong, the cops showing off evidence in the arrest of six chinese suspects accused of stealing more than $3 million worth of watches. police say thieves took them from a u.s. jewelry store in japan, burrowing a hole through one of the walls. japan, men and women slashing around in a pool of icy cold water outside the shrine in tokyo. the religious ritual takes place annually and said to cleanse the mind and body at the start of the new year. the united arab emirates. two skydivers leaping from the tallest building just opened in dubai. setting a new record for the highest base jump from a man-made structure. the men dove from a platform near the top of the more than
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2,700-foot tall building. the new tower officially opened to the public on monday. that is a wrap on the fox trip around the world in 80 seconds. the biggest show of its kind in the world. tomorrow, the consumer electronics show in las vegas comes to an end. but before it's over, we take a look at some of the coolest cutting edge technology you can find ahead of its arrival in a store near you. can't wait. and celebrating curves in grand style. one magazine issuing a special size edition. there is plenty more of where this came from coming up. #ñ#ñ#ñ
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>> julie: the strong 6.5-magnitude earthquake hitting north california. this is breaking news coming in the newsroom at this hour. the quake's epicenter was 22 miles west/northwest of ferndale, california. ferndale, by the way, is 265 miles north of san francisco. a forest and coastal area in northern california. so, it doesn't have the huge
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population such as in los angeles and san francisco, but not far from the oregon border as well. ferndale police report they did see some damage on the city hall building. some telephone lines have been reported as knocked down, so they are checking the bridge as well. so far, no major damage reported yet. we should also add from the last major earthquake to hit the area was back in 1994. which registered 6.6. and i understand that the damage caused by that was in the millions. we'll have more on the earthquake in ferndale, california, as we get it. big night in las vegas. must-have technology of the future is debuting in the consumer electronic show. it started thursday and wraps up tomorrow. adam housley has his picks of the coolest gadgets. >> there are more than 20,000 new items and 2,500 companies are here. we have a few for you now. l.g. phone with the own projector that can go 40
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inches. so no longer do you have to watch the stuff on your phone, pictures or video in this case. in this case, a movie trailer. this is available soon. no price yet. clear and good quality. then we have the i-type from ion. a text pad for your iphone so you put it down to have a full keyboard on your ipod. it comes out this fall for $69 from ion. you can see the iphone if its in. no problem whatsoever. also from ion you have the discover d.j.. this is fun. you can have two songs going and you can scratch. $99 from ion, available now in stores. we move from the practical and fun to what you probably want to put on your wall. this is the higher 40-inch big screen television. 11.99. only 1.2 inches thick. it has four hdmi.
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i tried to connect things to my tv. if you only have one, it's dif cuff. light, easy to move and fits on the wall. for people at home with different music, everything from on the ipod to satellite radio to stuff off the internet and cds, these all can be used by the logitech. squeeze box. black-and-a-half in the red. and it goes in back. sound quality is fantastic and controls all of your music. anything in house goes through a unit and it sounds fantastic. they're all affordable. most are available now and what is not will be available soon. this is latest on the consumer electronic show. back to you. >> julie: breaking news now. a strong earthquake in california measuring 6.5 magnitude. very strong earthquake in northern california. the quake's epicenter was 22
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miles west/northwest of ferndale, california. we have circled it there with the red circle. ferndale is 265 miles north of san francisco. so quite a ways away from san francisco. it's not as hugely populated as cities like los angeles and san francisco and not far from the oregon border as well. the ferndale police say they did see damage on the city hall building. they noticed the telephone lines are down. that it are checking a bridge. no major damage reported yet. go to casey stegall who is live in los angeles to give us perspective where the earthquake is. 6.5 magnitude is a strong earthquake. it understand it hit ten miles below ground. >> that is typically where they go. if you talk about a 6.5, that's significant. 6.7 was the 1994 north ridge earthquake that a lot of people remember. a lot of lives were lost.
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and a lot of damage was done. that was in the southern part of the state. as you mention, population is the key. northern part of the state is not nearly as populated. that is certainly good news when it comes to the earthquakes. i spoke to our crew in san francisco, claudia cowen who lives in the bay area and she said they did not feel shaking and rattling in the bay area. again, the epicenter is 265 miles north of san francisco. so it is a fair amount of distance. the u.s. geological survey releases preliminary figures. we don't know if it was in fact a 6.5 or the number will go down. a lot of times they come out with a preliminary report from the seis mograph and then following the quake the number will drop considerably. this is a situation we are
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watching closely but the good news is no injuries or no damage. early on, the indication coming from police. things can change. so we'll stay on the phone and continue to make calls an bring more information as it's available on fox news. >> julie: casey, talk about the aftershocks. it understand there have been two aftershocks. this came in measuring at 6.5. a very strong magnitude. one a 3.8, i'm told now. and one at 3.5. another earthquake we're just getting word of in petrolia, california, right near the area. what did it measure at, producers? 3.7 magnitude earthquake. now we've hearing of two separate earthquakes and the aftershocks from the ferndale, california, 260 miles north of san francisco.
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aftershocks are normal for the magnitumagnitude. >> absolutely. smaller earthquakes have their own aftershocks. sometimes the aftershocks can come days after the initial event. it's possible in the scenario. i lived in california about three years. we've been through a couple of different earthquakes. and last may, the strongest one i personally have been through was a 4.7. i was sitting in my apartment and i didn't know what was going on. i thought someone in the upstairs had the waesher in the spin cycle off or something because there was so much thumping. i looked outside and everyone was running out of the businesses, the starbucks and the banks, the post office out on the street. that was just a 4.7. initially it came down and they said it was 5.1 or 5.2, but later downgraded as i was talking about to 4.7. that is substantial. we're talking pictures on the wall move. and i got under my kitchen table and again, 4.7
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comparing initial reports of a 6.5 in the northern part of the state this evening. so, that just really puts in perspective, that is a big quake. but again, the good news here at least early indications coming from authorities in the area, no major damage initially to report or injuries. >> julie: okay. we are getting more word, though. people are on the internet, in fact, talking about this. and what they heard, what they felt and that people actually experienced quite a jolt in their homes with things falling off of the shelves. and people in their cars feeling as if they were given a flat tire immediately because of the shaking of the ground. ferndale i should note is a coastal area in northern california. so it doesn't necessarily have a huge population, nonetheless but live in the area. 6.5 is a strong quake. >> absolutely. it's a scary situation. w k


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